Sunday 27 September 2015


1. Which one of the following does not belong to the group?
a. tree
b. rock
c. insect
d. fish
2. Which of the following is another name for a living thing?
a. species
b. organism
c. monera
d. protista
3. Animals can be classified into ... main groups.
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
4. The statements shown below describe ....
They live in land and water.
They have moist skin.
They breathe through the lungs and skin.
Their eggs do not have shells.
a. reptiles
b. bird
c. amphibians
d. mammals
5. Which of the following type of animals cannot control their temperatures like humans?
a. birds
b. mammals
c. insects
d. reptiles
6. What does a shark, frog and alligator have in commond?
a. They are warm-blooded
b. They are cold-blooded
c. They lay eggs
d. They have scales on their bodies
7. The sentences below describe a mammal. Which of the sentences is incorrect?
a. Mammals have hair or fur on their bodies
b. Some mammals live on land some live in water
c. Mammals cannot fly
d. Their young are fed on milk
8. Which of the followwing is a flowering plant?
a. Bird's nest fern
b. Staghorn fern
c. Pine tree
d. Grass
9. Living things can be broadly classified into groups called Kingdoms. Which of the following is not a kingdom?
a. fungi
b. plantae
c. bacteria
d. animalia
10. Which of the following statement about a spider is incorrect?
a. It has eight legs
b. It has two body segments
c. It is an insect
d. it has an exoskeleton
11. Which of these objects was never part of a living thing?
a. leather belt
b. diamond earing
c. silk scarf
d. fur coat
12. Which of the following are characteristics of ferns?
I. They live on land in moist and shady places.
II. They contain chlorophyll.
III. They reproduce br spores.
IV. They have no roots.
a. I and III only
b. I, III, and IV only
c. I, II, and III only
d. All of the above
13. Which of the following is not likely to be found in a desert?
a. cactus
b. frog
c. camel
d. scorpion
14. Everything surrounding an organism is called its ...
a. habitat
b. community
c. environment
d. population
15. Special features or behaviours that plants and animals have in order to survive are called ....
a. skills
b. tecniques
c. camouflage
d. adaptations
16. The place where animals and plants live is called ....
a. ecosystem
b. environment
c. habitat
d. community
17. Which of the following are physical factors that affect the life of organisms?
I Predator-prey relationship
II Temperature
III pH value of water
IV parasitism
18. Which of the following statements best explain why some animals such as the polar bears hibernate during winter?
a. They hibernate because food is scarce during winter.
b. They hibernate to conserve energy.
c. They hibernate to catch up on sleep.
d. They hibernate to gain heat during winter.
19. Bees and flowers, sea anemones and clown fish, humans and green plants are all examples of ....
a. independent organisms
b. mutualism
c. predator-prey
d. interaction
20. Which of the following statements about predators and preys is incorrect?
a. Predators are usually well adapted with features such as good eyesight.
b. Camouflage is one form of protection against predators.
c. Only preys need camouflage.
d. Some preys are able to secrete poisonous substances on predators when under threat.

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